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Disc Dog Academy
Fitness & Conditioning
Stretching & massage
Warm ups & cool downs
Strengthening & Cross-training
Types of Discs
Choosing the right disc
Puppy/micro dog discs
Adult/normal sized dog discs
How to Throw
How to throw introduction
How to grip (short vs long)
What is hyzer & anhyzer
Air throws
Throwing in the wind
Throwing short
Throwing long
Introducing your dog/puppy to the disc
Bringing the disc to life!
Tug & building tug drive
Rolling disc on the ground
Knowing when your dog is ready for air throws
Teaching an "around"
Reverse Engineering Disc/Toy Drive
Drive & Connection Part 1
Know the dog in front of you
Build amazing recall with treats and with toys
Using a long line
Bring the show on the road
Drive & Connection P2: Theory of building drive & focus
Structuring practice for lower drive dogs
Multiple toy-type play
Drive & Connection 3: Theory of harnessing drive in intense dogs
Harnessing the drive
What happens if they accidentally bite you
Keep calm, don't get sucked in!
Teach a boundary to relax on
Keeping them safe
Reward connection!
Interactive Games!
Intro to games
Leading the Chomp
Ping Pong Disc Dog
Power Through
Pump it up-Let it out
Toss & Fetch
Competition formats
Finding/Forming a Club
Teaching an "around"
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